The Colorado State Patrol Training Academy is located at 15055 South Golden Road, Golden, CO 80401, and is designated by Colorado P.O.S.T. (Peace Officer Standards and Training) as an approved Basic Training Academy.
The State Patrol Basic Academy is also a CALEA-accredited Public Safety Training Academy. The Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA®,) is a credentialing authority through the joint efforts of law enforcement’s major executive associations. Accredited agencies are awarded the CALEA seal which is known as a “Mark of Professional Excellence” for today’s public safety agencies and reflect the gold standard benchmark associated with CALEA.

In addition to the Academy cadet classes each year, we provide continuing and advanced education to all members of the Patrol, sworn officers as well as civilians. All of our individual and organizational successes start here. A significant training event begins the foundation for a lifetime path, a path where core values: Honor, Respect and Dedication to Duty are implemented on a daily basis.
Our Academy puts great emphasis on what being a member of the Colorado State Patrol means to each individual. Core values and each of our seven virtues: Character, Integrity, Knowledge, Judgment, Honor, Loyalty and Courtesy are key components of the training at our Academy. These values and virtues will stay with each member throughout their career with the Colorado State Patrol.