Electronic Clearance Systems


The State of Colorado uses electronic clearance systems that enable commercial vehicles to be pre-screened at designated port-of-entry facilities. Should a company choose to use one of these systems it will allow them to "bypass" the port-of-entry facility while traveling at the highway speed, eliminating the need to stop. Commercial vehicles are allowed to "bypass" only if certain conditions are met. These conditions can be found by following the links for each company below. The electronic clearance systems currently available for use in Colorado are PrePass and Drivewyze. PrePass and Drivewyze are separate electronic clearance systems that use different equipment and have aspects that are unique to each company.



For more specific information about PrePass and how to enroll, please call 1-800-PrePass or visit the PrePass website.


For more specific information about Drivewyze and how to enroll, please visit the Drivewyze website.