Press Release

The Top 5 Spookiest Driving Scenarios

(COLORADO) – Scary driving scenarios happen to everyone at some point. The question comes down to, how will you handle it?

The Colorado State Patrol wants to reduce or remove anxiety behind the wheel in five unique, but not uncommon driving situations. Beginning Saturday evening, October 2, and every Saturday after, in October, Trooper Josh Lewis will walk motorists through a “spooky” scenario and some practical ways to approach it.

Know the Rules of the Roundabout

(COLORADO) – The anxiety of navigating roundabouts is common among new drivers or people who aren’t used to having a circular intersection design in their common commutes. With a little practice, they can become second nature. According to the Federal Highway Association, roundabouts are a proven safety measure because they can substantially reduce crashes in intersections.

In recognition of National Roundabouts Week (September 20-24, 2021), the Colorado State Patrol wants to share some tips to reduce the nerves for all motorists:

If You’re Old Enough to Drive, You’re Old Enough to Respect the Speed Limit

(COLORADO) – While driving under the influence and distracted driving are often looked down upon socially, speeding isn’t always looked at as negatively. Yet, speeding continues to be a leading causal factor for fatal and injury crashes across Colorado for incidents investigated by the Colorado State Patrol, including those involving our youngest drivers.

September Snow is Possible in Colorado - Chain Law Goes into Effect Sept. 1

(COLO) – With weather forecasts including 80 and 90-degree temperatures on the front range, it’s hard to imagine potential snowfall in Colorado’s high country. Yet, summer snow is not that unusual at higher elevations in our state. That’s why each year, from September 1 to May 31, Colorado Chain laws go into effect for all drivers. Colorado Chain Law is not just for large commercial vehicles.

Driver Distractions Top the List of Causal Factors for Colorado School Bus Crashes

(COLORADO) – Each day thousands of Colorado children head to school on foot and in private vehicles or the school bus. But which is the safest?  According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), students are about 70 times more likely to get to school safely when taking a bus instead of traveling by car. That’s because school buses are the most regulated vehicles on the road with standards above and beyond those for passenger vehicles.

Speeding Violations for Commercial Motor Vehicle Operators Rose Dramatically in 2020

(COLORADO) – A fully loaded commercial truck traveling on good road conditions at 65 miles per hour needs a distance of nearly two football fields to stop (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, 2016). Now imagine the distance it would take for that same tractor-trailer going 40+ over the posted speed limit on Interstates or Colorado highways.

Last year, the Colorado State Patrol saw a 21% increase in CMV drivers going 25-39 mph over the limit compared to 2019.  Even more alarming, troopers saw a 62% increase in CMV drivers going 40+ over the posted limit.

Cast Your Vote Colorado - 8th Annual "Best Looking Cruiser" Contest

COLORADO -  The Colorado State Patrol has always taken pride in the vehicles they use to ensure safety, and now they are asking for help in showing them off across the country. Each year the American Association of State Troopers (AAST), holds the "Best Looking Cruiser" contest, setting the stage for a friendly competition between the 50 state police agencies to see who will land in a calendar for the following year. Voting begins Tuesday, July 20 through Tuesday, August 2, 2021. 

The Colorado State Patrol Urges In-State and Out-of-State Motorists to use Seatbelts

(COLO) – With pandemic restrictions easing across the country, summer travel was anticipated to be even higher this year. In a proactive measure, Colorado and five surrounding states came together to send a consistent message to motorists – stay buckled no matter how far you are traveling.  These states launched the campaign on Memorial Day, called State2State. Buckle Up and it will continue through Labor Day.

From the Colorado State Patrol perspective, this is how motorists are doing so far.


CSP Headquarters

 700 Kipling St., Lakewood, CO 80215
303-239-4500 (8:00 AM - 5:00pm M-F)
303-239-4501 (24 Hours)

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