A Public Information Officer is on-call 24 hours a day, seven days a week to answer media questions.
If you are a member of the media and need to contact the on-call Public Information Officer please call 303-239-4583.
For media members who would like to receive our media announcements, please sign up via the link below.
The Public Affairs Section of the Colorado State Patrol (CSP) is the public information source for the general public and Colorado's news media.
Some of the activities conducted by the Public Affairs Section include: General safety programs, public educational media events and briefings on the Patrol's DUI, seat belt, aggressive and inattention driving behaviors, speed, enforcement, and other traffic safety activities.
The Public Affairs Section also coordinates Colorado traffic safety programs with its counterparts in the federal government such as the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and state organizations such as the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT). Additionally, this Section works closely with numerous corporate and community organizations to reduce traffic crashes, as part of the Patrol's ongoing mission to save lives.

Sergeant Patrick Rice
Public Information Officer
Trooper Gabriel Moltrer
Public Information Officer

Trooper Sherri Mendez
Public Information Officer