The Colorado State Patrol Launches Weekly I-70 Chain Law Enforcement Operations

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(COLORADO)—The Colorado State Patrol has consistently implemented chain checks at ports of entry, active chain-up stations, and daily roadside contacts. We are now adding a layer of multi-agency enforcement operations, including proactive chain carry checks, along the I-70 mountain corridor. State Troopers and partnering local agencies from Glenwood Springs to Golden will participate in these operations to enforce dangerous moving violations, especially speed and chain law violations. These operations will be held when weather is not inclement to ensure commercial and private drivers are prepared.

The Colorado State Patrol will share the results of these checks each Friday until Memorial Day (the end of Colorado chain law season) and next week’s check date. In addition, we will post a reminder on our X, Instagram and Facebook pages the morning of each event.

Compliance with traction laws for passenger vehicles (3/16-inch tread depth and rated either “all-weather” or “Mud and snow”) and commercial vehicles is paramount to the safety of everyone in the mountain corridor. Failure to comply can cause extended closures of the interstate.  With no reasonable way around closures, serious problems can arise quickly. 

The Colorado State Patrol aims to continue its efforts to resolve this problem by ensuring compliance before the storms hit to avoid stranded motorists. We also work diligently with our partners in the towing industry to clear the road as fast as possible when motorists become stuck. While enforcement is important, our goal is compliance for safety.


Trooper on chain law enforcement


Since our origin in 1935, the Colorado State Patrol (CSP) has focused on preserving human life and protecting property within our communities. Our 1,100 members embody the core values of Honor, Duty, and Respect in their daily jobs.  In addition to our expertise in motor vehicle safety on the state’s roadways, the CSP is responsible for the Governor and other dignitaries’ protection, commercial motor vehicle enforcement, hazardous materials, homeland security, communications, investigative services, criminal interdiction, community education, aviation operations, and more.