Additional key phone numbers in a radiological transportation incident

(303) 239-4501 - Colorado State Patrol Denver Regional Communications Center

Access a Hazardous Materials Supervisor to provide technical guidance on the phone or in the field.

(303) 279-8855   -   State of Colorado Emergency Operations Line

Colorado Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management who mobilizes state agencies and resources such as the Civil Support Team.

(303) 877-9757   -   CDPHE RAM Duty Officer

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Radioactive Materials Unit Duty Officer for technical guidance.

1 (800) 424-8802   -   National Response Center

Designated federal point of contact for reporting all oil, chemical, radiological, biological and discharges into the environment.  They are responsible for notifying federal agencies and resources such as the US Dept. of Energy Radiological Assistance Program (RAP) Team.


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