

The Investigative Services Section

(ISS) functions to provide an active State Patrol presence in auto theft enforcement through the Certified VIN Inspection program. ISS also handles administrative inspections of auto wrecking facilities and storage yards. Transaction records and cases are referred by line officers for those situations that strongly suggest organized or commercial auto theft, commonly referred to as "chop shops."

The unit plays a leading role in the Colorado Auto Theft Prevention Authority (CATPA). It is the mission of CATPA to combat auto thefts and vehicle insurance fraud in the State of Colorado by providing grants to multi-jurisdictional auto theft enforcement and prevention efforts.

Investigators are also involved in the interdiction of criminal activity from Colorado's highways. Primarily including narcotic smuggling by the use of motor vehicles. Following such cases to conclusion, involves moving surveillance, airborne surveillance, narcotics detection K9s, controlled deliveries, and frequent extensive background investigations of suspects and vehicles. Such investigations require multi-agency coordination.

Unit Investigators assist field troops with felony investigations and have been involved in homicide, burglary, robbery, narcotics, assault, weapons and explosives cases.