Fatal Vehicle Crashes Decrease in Northwest Colorado

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(COLO) – Each year, traffic crashes kill thousands of Americans and last year was no different, in fact Colorado lost over 600 lives on our state’s roadways. However northwest Colorado* roadways were far safer than most other areas across the state in 2020 and over 25% safer than in 2019 for this same region.

“The data will become finalized in the next couple of weeks, but presently we are seeing a 25.5% reduction in fatalities from vehicle crashes,’ stated Major David Rollins, District 4 Commander for the Colorado State Patrol. “Our primary focus has and always will be creating a safe and secure environment on our highways and local roadways.”

Travel patterns around the state changed dramatically from month to month due to the pandemic response, but drivers are encouraged to continue good driving habits to support this downward trend.

For those injury and fatality crashes investigated by the State Patrol in 2020, the top causes were exceeding safe/legal speed, distracted driving, and driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Across Colorado, people are on the road to get to work, school, stores, friends, and family. Let’s ensure that people arrive at their destination without incident. Watching your speed, staying alert behind the wheel, and never driving under the influence, are three controllable factors to continue a lower amount of injury and fatality crashes in 2021.

*District 4 Encompasses the Following Counties:

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Since our origin in 1935, the Colorado State Patrol (CSP) has focused on preserving human life and protecting property within our communities. Our 1,100 members embody the core values of Honor, Duty, and Respect in their daily jobs.  In addition to our expertise in motor vehicle safety on the state’s roadways, the CSP is responsible for the Governor and other dignitaries’ protection, commercial motor vehicle enforcement, hazardous materials, homeland security, communications, investigative services, criminal interdiction, community education, aviation operations, and more.