►November 18-20, 2014 -- Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance Peer Review
The Hazardous Materials Section of the Colorado State Patrol participated in a Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance Peer Review from November 18-20, 2014. CVSA Panel members included staff from the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance as well as state law enforcement hazardous materials experts from the states of Florida, Iowa, and Illinois.
This national review was held to evaluate Colorado’s CVSA Level VI Inspection Program of commercial motor vehicles carrying nuclear waste and high-level radioactive materials.
CAST Specialty, Inc. hosted a mock inspection of a nuclear waste transporter at their headquarters in Henderson, CO.
Preliminary feedback indicated that Colorado has an exemplary inspection program that serves as a model for training, equipment, policy, process, and records records management in the oversight of nuclear waste transportation.
Trooper John Huck and Trooper Brian Walters narrated the entire mock inspection of the RH-72B cask. They began with describing how to ready the survey equipment.
CAST Specialty driver, Jim, gives the thumbs up following a successful in-cab survey. The survey is done to assure the safety of the driver of the transporter.
Trooper Huck surveying the RH-72B cask which has two impact limiters on each end of it.
Trooper Huck surveys an impact limiter of the RH-72B.
Sergeant Luke Armstrong and Mr. Carlisle Smith, CVSA, observe the mock inspection.
(Left to right) Mr. Gaylon Fuller, CAST Specialty; Master Sergeant Todd Armstrong, Illinois State Police; Mr. Larry Stern, CVSA; Major Lance Evans, Iowa Department of Transportation; not pictured Sgt. Artez Lester, Florida Highway Patrol.
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