Strategic Plan & CSP Fact Sheet

Strategic Plan

Rooted in our ongoing mission proving a safe and secure environment for all, the Colorado State Patrol Strategic Plan serves as a guiding document for our organization and our members.

Although Colorado's roadways are our primary focus, the Colorado State Patrol and our members continue to be agile in an effort to meet our communities' needs. The organization has a rich history of more than 85 years of providing professional law enforcement services across Colorado. The 2022-2026 Colorado State Patrol Strategic Plan illustrates our drive to accomplish our vision and mission of saving lives. Our members will always be a top priority and we endeavor to provide them with the tools and resources they need to be the most effective.

This plan is designed to provide all members of the agency with a vision and blueprint for the future. Successfully meeting public safety needs throughout the state is the result of the organization's focused approach to providing dedicated and professional law enforcement services. Our current CSP Strategic Plan has four primary goals:

  • Protect Life
  • Represent the Communities We Serve
  • Become the Best Place to Work in Colorado
  • Be Agile

2025-2026 Strategic Plan 

CSP Fact Sheet

Important information and quick facts on the Colorado State Patrol.

2025 CSP Fact Sheet