FAQ - Homeland Security

The "FAQ" page is provided as a resource for general information on terrorism, both domestic and international.

Reporting Suspicious Activity

Q. What exactly is "suspicious" activity?
A. No one knows what goes on in your neighborhood better than you. You may see things or hear things that seem out of the ordinary and may elude to suspicious or illegal conduct. Law Enforcement officials in Colorado often rely on the instincts and perceptions of citizens to detect activity that is out of the ordinary.

Q. What kind of activity should I look for?
A. You should immediately report people who photograph, videotape, sketch, ask detailed questions or seek blueprints for:

  • Airports
  • Water supplies
  • Dams
  • Bridges
  • Major highway intersections
  • Tunnels
  • Power plants and substations
  • Transmission towers
  • Pipelines and tank farms
  • Military installations
  • Law enforcement agencies
  • Defense contract sites
  • Hospitals and health research facilities
  • Internet, phone, cable, and communications facilities and towers
  • Capitol, court, and government buildings.
  • Suspicious activity around historic structures and national landmarks should also be reported.

Q. Is it necessary for me to give my name and phone number to the authorities?
A. It is very necessary, especially if you want the report to be taken seriously. Also, someone may need to talk to you personally in order to better understand the details of what you saw.

Q. Will my identity be protected?
A. Yes. While your contact information may be shared among the appropriate law enforcement agencies as a contact, every effort to keep your identity confidential will be made.

Q. Will I have to talk to the news media?
A. No. Your contact information as a source will not be released to reporters. No one who reports suspicious activity is required to speak with the news media. The decision to remain anonymous to the public, or to speak with the news media is a decision that is left entirely up to you.